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How One Man’s Dreams Were Destroyed by Addiction

Many family members of addicts will often reflect on the wasted life of their addicted loved one, or the fact that he or she had so much potential before addiction ruined their lives. The truth is that addiction can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, and social background. Once it takes hold, it can be extremely difficult to break free, and some will struggle for years and years, with the addiction burrowing its way deeper into their lives.

Wasted Potential

Millions of people have viewed a courtroom video from the US in which two former classmates were reunited in unconventional circumstances. One classmate, Arthur Booth was standing in court at a bond hearing on burglary charges. The other was Mindy Glazer, the judge. The video shows the moment Mindy recognised Arthur and asked him if he had attended Nautilus Middle School before Booth broke down in tears, realising that the judge was his old classmate.

It has now become known that, while both students had incredible potential to do well and have successful careers ahead of them, only one achieved that dream. Back in school, Mindy hoped to attend law school and make a name for herself; she eventually fulfilled that dream. However, while Arthur dreamed of becoming a neurosurgeon – and he certainly had the capability to do so – he dropped out of school after the 11th grade, having developed an addiction to gambling.

Life of Crime

Family members have revealed that Arthur’s gambling addiction meant that he has spent nearly half of his adult life in prison. His cousin, Melissa Miller, said, “If it had not been for Arthur’s addictions to gambling and drugs, he would not be where he is. That has been his downfall. He is not a violent person and has not hurt anyone, but to feed his addictions he always needed money, and it was easier to steal.”

Melissa also recalls how Arthur would regularly gamble, on anything, and that it soon replaced his studying. She says it ‘took over his life’. Arthur was sent to prison at the age of eighteen for grand theft and, upon his release, he developed a crack cocaine addiction. He was soon back behind bars for repeated offences for possession of the drug.

Melissa says that the family attempted an intervention to try to get help for Arthur, but this failed. Another family member said, “Arthur didn’t want to help himself and turned away from those who loved him the most.”

The family tried to get help for Arthur, but they admit that their words were falling on deaf ears.

Difficult Circumstances

Arthur has spent years of his adult life behind bars and, during a ten-year stretch, managed to kick his cocaine addiction. However, he is still struggling with his addiction to gambling. Melissa admits that Arthur’s situation is complicated because he struggles to find work. She says that nobody wants to hire someone with a criminal record. He has also found it difficult to find somewhere to live because of his criminal past.

Arthur’s family are now hoping that his encounter with former classmate Mindy will serve as a wake-up call and that he can use this to get his life back on track. They believe that encounter will make him realise what he could have had and that he feels ashamed at how his life has panned out.

Help for Addiction

Many individuals all over the UK are struggling with addiction in the same way that Arthur Booth is. Nevertheless, Rehab Helper can provide advice and information on treatments available and how to access these treatments. If you or a loved one requires help for addiction, call Rehab Helper today.


  • http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3155288/Full-story-criminal-wept-judge-revealed-classmates-brilliant-schoolboy-wanted-neurosurgeon-drugs-crime-ruined-dream.html
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