Antidepressant Rehab Treatment

What is antidepressant rehab?

Antidepressant rehab is a programme that helps people safely stop using antidepressants under medical guidance. It involves gradually reducing the medication to minimise withdrawal symptoms while supporting mental health. The process includes regular check-ups and therapy to address underlying issues and develop effective coping strategies. The aim is to ensure a smooth and comfortable transition off the medication, promoting overall well-being and preventing relapse.

Who would benefit from antidepressant rehab?

Antidepressant rehab can be really helpful for people who have successfully dealt with the issues that made them need antidepressants in the first place and are now ready to start tapering off. It’s great that the medication has done its job and you’re at a point where you don’t need it anymore, but coming off antidepressants can be tough and having professional support can make the whole process a lot easier and more comfortable.

Why do antidepressants cause withdrawal symptoms?

Antidepressant Discontinuation Syndrome is a condition that can occur when a person abruptly stops taking their antidepressant medication or significantly reduces the dose. This syndrome can cause various physical and emotional symptoms:


  • Physical symptoms: These can include dizziness, nausea, headache, sweating and flu-like symptoms such as chills and body aches.
  • Sensory symptoms: Some people experience “brain zaps” (electric shock-like sensations in the head), tingling or unusual sensations.
  • Emotional symptoms: Anxiety, irritability, mood swings and feelings of depression can resurface or intensify.
  • Sleep disturbances: Insomnia or vivid dreams may occur.


Antidepressant Discontinuation Syndrome is more common with certain types of antidepressants, especially those with a shorter half-life, like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs). The syndrome occurs because the brain needs time to adjust to the absence of the medication, which has been helping to regulate neurotransmitter levels.

Should I detox from antidepressants on my own?

It might be tempting to try and reduce your antidepressant dosage on your own, but due to the risk of antidepressant discontinuation syndrome, it’s strongly recommended to detox through an accredited rehab programme with medical detox facilities. Here’s a look at what you can expect during the withdrawal process and how a detox centre can support you at each stage:

Days 1-3

  • What to expect: You might start to feel symptoms like anxiety, dizziness and headaches.
  • How a detox centre can help: Medical staff can provide medications to ease these symptoms and offer round-the-clock support to help you manage discomfort.

Days 4-7

  • What to expect: Symptoms can intensify, potentially including nausea, insomnia and flu-like symptoms.
  • How a detox centre can help: You’ll receive continuous monitoring and care, ensuring that any severe symptoms are promptly addressed. Therapeutic support can also help you manage the emotional impact.

Days 8-14

  • What to expect: Withdrawal symptoms might begin to decrease but you could still experience mood swings, irritability and fatigue.
  • How a detox centre can help: Ongoing therapy sessions and support groups can help you navigate these emotional ups and downs, providing strategies to cope with cravings and stress.

Weeks 3-4

  • What to expect: Most physical symptoms should subside, but emotional and psychological symptoms might persist.
  • How a detox centre can help: Long-term therapy and support can be crucial during this time. The focus will shift to building healthy habits and addressing any underlying mental health issues.


By choosing a professional detox centre and rehab programme, you’ll have access to medical and emotional support, ensuring a safer and more comfortable withdrawal process.

What to expect at antidepressant rehab

Considering rehab for antidepressants can feel daunting, but understanding the process can ease your concerns. Here’s a clear outline of what you can expect, designed to support you on your journey to recovery.

Initial assessment

The first step involves a thorough assessment by healthcare professionals. This evaluation looks at your medical history and any underlying mental health conditions. This crucial step helps create a personalised treatment plan tailored to your unique needs, ensuring the most effective approach for your recovery.


Detox is the process of clearing antidepressants from your body. This stage can be challenging as your body adjusts to the absence of the medication. With medical supervision, detox is managed to ensure your safety and comfort, addressing any withdrawal symptoms. The goal is to cleanse your system while minimising discomfort, setting a solid foundation for the next stages of treatment.


Therapy plays a central role in antidepressant rehab, combining traditional and holistic methods to address the psychological aspects of dependency.


  • Traditional methods: Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and group counselling help you understand and manage your thoughts and behaviours. DBT teaches skills like mindfulness, emotional regulation and distress tolerance, while group counselling provides a supportive environment to share experiences and gain insights from others facing similar challenges.


  • Holistic methods: Yoga, art therapy, and other holistic approaches complement traditional therapy by promoting overall well-being. Yoga reduces stress and improves physical health, while art therapy offers a creative outlet to express emotions and explore personal issues. These methods are essential as they provide diverse ways to cope with stress and improve mental health, enhancing the overall effectiveness of treatment.


Aftercare supports your transition back to daily life, including ongoing therapy, support groups and continued medical supervision if needed. Aftercare provides the tools and resources to maintain your recovery and continue personal growth. This stage ensures you’re not alone once you leave the rehab facility, offering a structured plan to help you navigate life post-rehab successfully.

The next steps

If you’re coming off antidepressants, it’s important to contact your nearest detox centre for medical treatment and rehab support. These centres offer specialised care to manage antidepressant withdrawal symptoms safely. Professional support can make a big difference during this challenging time. Antidepressant rehab programmes provide medical supervision and emotional support to help you through the transition. 

Reach out to us today to ensure a smoother, safer journey through antidepressant detox and recovery.

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