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Abercrombie and Fitch don’t want fat people to wear their clothes.

Uber trendy clothes store Abercrombie and Fitch have fallen under fire after they admitted that they only want thin people to wear the clothes. Although admittedly they do cater for up to a size XXL for men (thought to be to accommodate muscular types) the brand’s only produce sizes in up to a modest large for women and don’t sell trousers bigger than a size 10. Confessing that they only want to peel to the “cool crowd,” who don’t want to see people less attractive than them wearing the same clothes has caused an outcry.

So, are Abercrombie and Fitch encouraging eating disorders? Is being able to fit into their teeny sizes Mark of being acceptably thin enough?

It’s not the first time Abercrombie and Fitch have run into controversy. They were successfully sued by an ex-employee who had been forced to work in the stock room as she had a visible disability.  Born without a forearm, she was hidden away from the customers they try so hard to market to buy maintaining a very stereotypical so-called “perfect” image. The average dress size in the UK-curvaceous 16 is regarded as plus size by the American-based firm. By pushing these ideals, especially on to young people who are impressionable and desperate to fit in it seems that despite other companies using larger models in producing clothes in larger sizes, Abercrombie and Fitch are actively trying to go against the grain. Perhaps it is just a publicity seeking measure-but it’s one that could be very damaging.

Eating disorders are especially prevalent amongst teenagers and adolescents. These are exactly the people who dream about wearing such cool designer clothes and seems a shame that by being thin is the only way they can do this.

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