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What to Consider When Choosing a Rehab Clinic

One of the biggest issues with addiction recovery for addicts is knowing where to find treatment. Here at Rehab Helper, we have a huge database of information regarding clinics around the UK and overseas and we can help you to find the most suitable provider for your requirements.

We have experience dealing with those suffering from addiction and we will assess your situation before providing you with a number of options for treatment. However, we do know that many clients want to do their own research before agreeing to attend a specific clinic. If this is the case, there are some things you may want to consider when evaluating the effectiveness of a particular treatment centre. Below are a few examples.

Does the Clinic Put Patients First?

The needs of the patient should always come first. This may sound obvious to most people, but there are some providers for whom financial issues or staff convenience takes precedence. At Rehab Helper, we believe that patient safety and comfort is the main priority, and so too do the clinics we work with.

Does the Clinic View Addiction as a Medical Problem?

Addiction is a recognised illness and should be treated as such. Nobody chooses to become an addict and they are not affected because they are crazy or weak. Those who enter recovery are ill and require specific treatment to help them overcome their problem.

Does the Clinic Have a Detox Facility?

If you have been suffering from alcohol or drug addiction for some time, you may need to undergo a programme of detox before you can start rehabilitation. It is not necessary for a clinic to offer medical detox programmes, but many do. If you need a detox, you may want to consider looking for a clinic that can provide you with one as part of your treatment programme. Nevertheless, if there is a specific clinic that you like that does not provide medical detoxes, you can still attend rehab there. You will just need to undergo your programme of detoxification elsewhere beforehand.

Does the Clinic Use the 12-Step Approach?

The 12-step programme was introduced by the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous in the early 1930s and it has been effectively helping addicts all over the world to maintain their sobriety ever since. This is an effective treatment strategy that is used in many clinics alongside other treatments such as cognitive behavioural therapy, group counselling, and motivational interviewing. Most clinics will offer some 12-step work or will encourage patients to attend fellowship meetings in the evenings or weekends.

Does the Clinic Have Fully Trained Staff?

The staff at the clinic should be fully trained and there should be a mix of addiction specialists and medical professionals. You may find that some of the staff have been through their own recoveries from addiction before training as therapists or counsellors. This can be immensely helpful to those in recovery as they can learn from these individuals who have first-hand knowledge and experience of what the patients are going through. It is also important that there is enough staff at the clinic to ensure you are getting the care and attention you need. You may prefer a smaller and more intimate rehab clinic where you will be guaranteed to get more one-to-one care. Others prefer a larger clinic where there are more patients that they can interact with and learn from.

Does the Clinic Have Comfortable Surroundings?

You do not need to look for a luxury clinic but it is a good idea to choose a clinic that has comfortable surroundings. If you are unhappy with the accommodation, you will be unable to concentrate fully on your recovery.

If you need help choosing a rehabilitation clinic, contact us here at Rehab Helper.

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