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24 hours rehab

Call Now for Immediate Confidential Help and Advice 02038 115 619

24 hours rehab
Immediate Access for help and advice


By making the decision to enter a rehab in East London, you will be giving yourself the perfect chance to start a new life. There are no guarantees, but if you are willing to fully commit to...
A new study from St. Louis' Washington University School of Medicine in the US suggests that there may be a link between binge drinking and breast cancer. This applies specifically to women ...
By choosing to go to rehab, you will be making a significant commitment. It is helpful to think of this sacrifice as an investment in your future. It is important to understand that just goi...
It is tempting to try to minimise the dangers of cannabis use among young people by saying that it is just harmless experimentation. While it may be true that many teenagers who experiment w...
If you have become addicted to alcohol, it may be the case that you will need to go to detox in order to safely escape this substance. Detox is the first step of a process by which you will ...
Some people end up suffering a great deal before they become ready to get help for their addiction problems. It doesn't have to be this way though because the person can stop this behaviour ...
A new study that was reported in the New York Times this week suggested that the same genes that cause alcoholism also cause eating disorders. This claim is based on work coming out of the W...
If people do things for the wrong reasons, it can easily mean that they end up with results that are disappointing. This can be the case when it comes to entering a drug rehab centre. All th...
An article in this week's Huffington Post by Dr David Sack highlights the increasing problem of prescription drug abuse among women. In the US, the number of women developing this type of pr...
Breaking away from an addiction problem can take a significant effort. You will need to be highly motivated and committed to change. If you approach this challenge with anything less than 10...
Sally Davies is the chief medical officer for England, and in a recent interview on BBC3, she stated that she did not believe that drug addiction should be considered a criminal issue. She d...
If you have developed the motivation to break away from alcoholism, you will want to treat this determination like a precious commodity. This can be your chance to start again and take your ...
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    02038 115 619