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24 hours rehab

Call Now for Immediate Confidential Help and Advice 02038 115 619

24 hours rehab
Immediate Access for help and advice


There was a shocking story this week in the Daily Mail about a retired army major who lost over £750,000 to an online gambling addiction. Justyn Larcombe describes how he went from making a...
The fact that you are willing to take real action to end your addiction is wonderful. By agreeing to enter rehab, you will be taking a positive step towards a new and better way of living. I...
This week on the Jeremy Kyle Show, they focused a full episode on helping people dealing with alcohol problems. Many would question the wisdom of making people's personal problems so public,...
It can be incredibly tough to battle against an alcohol problem without some type of professional help. The reality is that addiction can have such an influence over our thinking and motivat...
A recent article in Forbes magazine called 'Why the Brains of High Powered People May Be More Prone to Addiction' discusses how successful people (such as CEOs and other leaders) may be at a...
A recent article in the Huffington Post by Doctor Lloyd I. Sederer discusses the reality that addiction is an 'equal opportunity threat to life'. This article comes out at a time when the da...
If you are looking for a rehab in the West Midlands, there are a number of options available for you to consider. Choosing the right type of programme is very important because this will giv...
A recent study by McGill University in the US is providing more evidence for the idea that some people may be hardwired to become alcoholic. It could mean that these individuals have a brain...
Addiction to alcohol can destroy your life if you are unable to escape the downward spiral associated with this condition. Alcohol not only damages you physically, mentally, and emotionally,...
An article in The Times this week suggests the roots of alcoholism might be traced back to the womb. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that addiction has a genetic component, but it is ...
Engaging in social media is something that most of us enjoy, but some people have become so obsessed with this behaviour that it is ruining their life. There have been a number of reports ab...
When you make the decision to get treatment for your addiction problems, it means that you really could be on the cusp of a much brighter future. There are many rehab centres in London to ch...
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    02038 115 619