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24 hours rehab

Call Now for Immediate Confidential Help and Advice 02038 115 619

24 hours rehab
Immediate Access for help and advice


A relapse in medical terms means the return of signs and symptoms relating to an illness that a person has apparently recovered from. In relation to drug or alcohol addiction, relapse refers...
People experiencing an addiction or who are living with someone with an addiction will know all too well how destructive it can be. This terrible illness can take hold of a person and change...
People experiencing an addiction or who are living with someone with an addiction will know all too well how destructive it can be. This terrible illness can take hold of a person and change...
It is devastating to find out that a loved one is struggling with addiction. Whether it is an addiction to a particular substance such as alcohol, illegal drugs, or prescription medication, ...
If you have spent a significant part of your adult life struggling with addiction but are now in recovery, you may have regrets about things you could or should have done. You may feel as th...
The 12-step programme was first implemented in the 1930s by Alcoholics Anonymous founders Dr Bob Smith and Bill Wilson. The twelve steps of recovery have been adopted by a number of other fe...
It may have taken you a long time to admit that addiction was ruining your life. You might have been in denial for a number of years before finally accepting that you needed help. If you hav...
Addiction is not an illness that only affects adults; many children and teenagers suffer from addictions to substances such as alcohol and drugs as well. There are many reasons young people ...
Nobody chooses to become addicted to drugs; when they do, though, it can have a devastating effect and can literally destroy the person’s life. The first time an individual takes an illegal...
When it comes to addiction, most people think of substance abuse, but there are a growing number of individuals developing devastating addictions to gambling. This is leaving them facing mou...
Legal highs, also known as new psychoactive substances, are often taken by young people who believe them to be safe. These are manufactured drugs designed to produce effects similar to those...
Drug addiction is, in most people’s minds, something that affects those who take illegal drugs such as cocaine or heroin. Most of these individuals are unaware that those who abuse prescrip...
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    UK Addiction Treatment Group.

    We look forward to helping you take your first step.

    02038 115 619