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24 hours rehab

Call Now for Immediate Confidential Help and Advice 02038 115 619

24 hours rehab
Immediate Access for help and advice


Detoxification can be described as the elimination of toxic substances from the body. These toxic substances could be drug- or alcohol-related. Detox is often used as the first step on the r...
Substance abuse can be defined as the continual use of hazardous or psychoactive substances such as alcohol and illegal drugs. There are many different reasons people choose to partake in su...
The best way to treat addiction is generally accepted to be with alcohol and drug rehabilitation. This type of treatment includes elements of therapy and counselling provided by professional...
When a family member is struggling with a drug addiction, it can be heart-breaking for other family members as they watch their loved one descend into a downward spiral of destruction. While...
When overcoming a drug or alcohol addiction, a process of detoxification is usually necessary. Although detox can be difficult, it is necessary for the addict to quit the chemical substance ...
It is hard for some people to understand why anyone would choose to abuse substances such as drugs or alcohol, especially when doing so causes such harm to their lives. It is hard to realise...
There is no doubting the impact that drug and alcohol rehab clinics can have when it comes to treating those suffering from addictions to these toxic substances. All across the UK, addiction...
It is difficult for most people to admit that addiction has become a problem in their lives. Those who are dealing with alcohol addiction, for example, may not realise that they have progres...
When it comes to treating illnesses such as heroin addiction, drug treatment clinics are often the preferred option. At these locations, patients will usually complete a programme of detoxif...
There is no doubting the fact that alcohol is a significant problem in the lives of many people around the UK. This legally available and socially acceptable substance is also one that can c...
It is hard for much of the general populace to understand that alcohol is a harmful substance. Those who drink alcohol in moderation may never drink to get drunk, and the idea that some peop...
It is hard for much of the general populace to understand that alcohol is a harmful substance. Those who drink alcohol in moderation may never drink to get drunk, and the idea that some peop...
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    If you are experiencing problems as a result of your alcohol or drug use, or if you are drinking or using drugs to cope with existing problems, our National Addiction Treatment & Rehabilitation Directory contains over 700 addiction treatment services that may be able to help you when you decide to do something about them.

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    UK Addiction Treatment Group.

    We look forward to helping you take your first step.

    02038 115 619