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24 hours rehab

Call Now for Immediate Confidential Help and Advice 02038 115 619

24 hours rehab
Immediate Access for help and advice


The idea of individuals in early recovery going through a grieving process may sound strange, but it is perfectly understandable. The person would have a great deal to feel positive about, b...
The word 'addiction' tends to be attached to a growing number of behaviours, and there have been some concerns that this is making the word meaningless. The argument is that something like s...
Leaving rehab early will usually mean that the person will not remain sober for long after they go home; most people who leave abruptly end up in a bar or with their dealer within hours of t...
There is a sizeable collection of evidence suggesting that genetics plays a part in the development of addiction. Studies on families do show a tendency for the condition to pass from genera...
New addiction research being conducted at Cambridge University sounds like something straight out of a sci-fi movie. Professor Barry Everitt claims that his work shows that it may be soon po...
Fluctuations in energy levels are a normal part of life but, if you are recovering from an addiction, loss of motivation can put you at risk of relapse. This is because it may mean that you ...
One of the most likely reasons why individuals return to addiction after a period of sobriety is the feeling of not being able to cope. One of the main attractions of alcohol or drug abuse i...
There has been a lot of online speculation regarding the effectiveness of 12 step programmes like Alcoholics Anonymous. The problem is that it can be hard to assess the merit of a treatment ...
Prescribed painkillers are often necessary in order to help individuals cope with severe pain. It is of great benefit to people that such medications exist; however, there is the possibility...
The dangers of second-hand smoking are now common knowledge, but this is not the only drug that can have a negative impact on non-users. Alcohol is not only capable of causing damage to the ...
When people are struggling with an addiction problem, the idea of getting their old life back can appear very appealing. The problem is that if things were so great before, it is unlikely th...
If you are unable to control your anger, it can become a source of suffering for you as well as the people around you. It does not matter if your anger outbursts only happen rarely, the fact...
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    02038 115 619