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Immediate Access for help and advice
24 hours rehab

Call Now for Immediate Confidential Help and Advice 02038 115 619

24 hours rehab
Immediate Access for help and advice


The number of older people with addiction problems is becoming a real concern, frequently referred to in the media as the 'hidden epidemic'. About sixty per cent of these people fall into th...
Low self-esteem can be a major obstacle for those in early recovery as it could prevent them from taking the necessary steps needed to ensure a better life. It may even be that the person do...
If you are struggling financially after you give up alcohol or drugs, it can become a source of suffering. Trying to create a life when you have no money is tough and you could eventually de...
If you attend rehab or regularly attend fellowship meetings, you are going to hear a lot of talk about the usual factors that prevent people making progress in recovery. It is vital that you...
It is now recognised that having an addiction is similar to dealing with an illness such as cardiovascular disease or diabetes. The person who has become dependent on these substances has ex...
If you are waiting for the conditions to be right so you can enjoy sobriety, you may be putting off your happiness indefinitely. This is because real contentment is not about getting more st...
One of the main reasons it can be so hard to break away from an addiction is that your own thoughts may be working against you. It can feel like there is an enemy in your brain because, even...
The ban on khat, which comes into effect next week, has generated a lot of criticism as well as support in the UK. It is even causing upset abroad with farmers in Kenya threatening violent a...
The idea of being stop by police and breathalysed for alcohol consumption is now considered routine, but plans are now underway to use similar technology to check for driving while under the...
There are now many addiction rehab programmes to choose from in the UK. The availability of so many options means there will almost certainly be something to suit your exact requirements; ho...
If one partner in a relationship is addicted to alcohol or drugs, it can lead to a great deal of suffering for everyone involved. It is understandable that in a lot of cases, the person who ...
Up until the seventies, those who worked in professions like medicine were treated with a certain kind of reverence. There was a paternalistic relationship between these individuals and thei...
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    02038 115 619