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24 hours rehab

Call Now for Immediate Confidential Help and Advice 02038 115 619

24 hours rehab
Immediate Access for help and advice


Upon first becoming sober, many people are usually just grateful to escape the pain of addiction. This will be an improvement on how things were, but the problem is that it may not be enough...
The All Parliamentary Group on Alcohol Misuse is pushing for changes to the law that would require alcoholic drinks to carry warning labels similar to those found on cigarette packets. This ...
The main difference between those who do well in recovery and those who struggle is to do with belief. It is not a case of some people being somehow better at being sober; it is just that th...
It is common for people to make a few half-hearted attempts at quitting addiction before finally becoming ready to get down to business. Making this type of major life changes requires total...
Everybody has information floating around inside their head that is inaccurate. Maybe you misheard something in school making you convinced that the capital of Greenland is Wellington. These...
One of the dangers with extreme enthusiasm in early recovery is that you could reach a point where you feel burned out from all the effort. It is hard to get the balance right. In order to g...
The fact that doctors are so knowledgeable when it comes to health problems would suggest that these professionals are in a much better position to avoid addiction. The reality is that many ...
Every day four babies in the UK are born addicted to drugs. These new-borns usually require treatment right away, which can include giving them with opiate drugs. It is a disturbing situatio...
The reason many people give up on recovery is that they were just not prepared for the realities of this new life. It can come as a huge disappointment to individuals to get sober and to fin...
If things are going bad for you in recovery, you may come to the conclusion that there is not much point in remaining sober. This kind of thinking is understandable but, once you make the de...
It is an uncomfortable thought, but there are probably people you know who would prefer if you did not recover from addiction. These individuals do not necessarily mean you harm, at least no...
A radical new plan in Australia aims to ban social welfare claimants from buying alcohol or engaging in gambling. It is being proposed by Andrew Forest, and the 244-page report is due to be ...
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