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24 hours rehab

Call Now for Immediate Confidential Help and Advice 02038 115 619

24 hours rehab
Immediate Access for help and advice


All humans have character flaws, so it would be unreasonable to expect you to become some type of perfect individual just because you are sober. The aim in recovery is always progress rather...
Some people never manage to recover from their drug addiction, with it eventually killing them - for some sooner rather than later. It is possible for any person to recover from substance ab...
The latest figures from the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) include both positive and worrying data. The level of drug abuse among young people in the UK in 2013 was simila...
A common mistake many make when attempting to break free of addiction is failing to take continuous action to maintain their sobriety. Even if the person is motivated in the beginning, there...
The ability to travel abroad for addiction help is a real game changer. It means that you now have far more options than you ever did in the past. The availability of low-cost flights and th...
Getting sober will not mean living a life that is free of stress and challenges - this would be an unrealistic expectation. The goal is not for you to be free of stress, which is just a norm...
If you view giving up alcohol or drugs as a type of sacrifice, it will be hard for you to remain motivated long-term. Unless you see that the whole point of this step is to make your life mu...
If you are committed to a life free of mind-altering substances, should you ever take prescription opiate medication? What if you are in a lot of pain and need these strong medications in or...
Logan Stiner is believed to be one of the first casualties of the growing popularity of powdered caffeine. The powder that killed him can be fatal at just one spoonful, yet it is completely ...
If you become addicted to any substance, you can expect some unpleasant symptoms when you first try to give it up. Withdrawals occur because the body has to once again get used to functionin...
The thing that makes it so hard for people to break free of alcohol or drug abuse is the belief that there is some type of choice to be made. This is because the person is still ambivalent a...
A new report from National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) warns that there is no safe level of alcohol consumption in middle age. It has also been proposed that all people wh...
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    02038 115 619