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24 hours rehab

Call Now for Immediate Confidential Help and Advice 02038 115 619

24 hours rehab
Immediate Access for help and advice


So, you've decided to go it alone in recovery but have a plan for how you will be able to stay sober long-term. Maybe, you have decided to attend a few recovery meetings, or you have found a...
The internet has brought many improvements to the lives of people around the world. It has made communication much easier, and it means that users can find out about almost any subject imagi...
It is possible to get sober but still have a very average type of life. You may even end up treating recovery like a voluntary prison sentence in which you count the days and spend a lot of ...
There is a prevailing myth in society that being vulnerable is the same as being weak - especially for men. This means that if you allow yourself to be vulnerable, others will more easily be...
It can be so distressing to start the process of recovery from addiction only to see everything fall apart again. Family and friends may be bewildered as to how it could happen, and you may ...
It is unusual for addiction to occur in isolation. It is most often the case that those already struggling in life are the most likely to fall into this type of trap. What normally happens i...
Some people manage to break free of addiction but continue to be a slave to their emotions. This is described as being physically sober but not emotionally sober. If you settle for just phys...
Giving up alcohol or drugs can feel impossibly complicated if you are currently struggling due to an addiction. The reality is that it does not have to be complicated at all. Here are six si...
Teenage binge drinking can lead to all types of social problems on top of being damaging to the young person doing it. Teens are far more likely to suffer negative effects due to alcohol abu...
Bath salts is the name given to a new type of synthetic drug that is designed to mimic the effects of cocaine and other psychoactive drugs - it is not the same as the bath salts that are use...
Surviving a breakup can be a serious test of your recovery. This type of event can generate a whole gamut of negative emotions, including rejection, loss, anger, resentment, betrayal, and gu...
Dealing with a child who has become addicted to alcohol or drugs can be one of the hardest thing that a parent has to face. There are now lots of effective rehab programmes that can help you...
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    UK Addiction Treatment Group.

    We look forward to helping you take your first step.

    02038 115 619