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24 hours rehab

Call Now for Immediate Confidential Help and Advice 02038 115 619

24 hours rehab
Immediate Access for help and advice


When it comes to choosing a provider for a drug addiction, many believe that private drug rehab is the only option. This is not the case, however; there are many different providers of drug ...
When it comes to choosing a provider for a drug addiction, many believe that private drug rehab is the only option. This is not the case, however; there are many different providers of drug ...
If you have finally decided that you want to give up alcohol or drugs, then the first step on the road to recovery is detoxification. This is the process by which you will stop drinking or t...
Most people who receive rehab treatment will find the early days of recovery to be the hardest. Rehab itself may be easier because there is constant access to care and support from professio...
When it comes to getting a loved one to accept that addiction has become a serious problem, professional interventions may be the answer. Most family members with an addicted loved one will ...
If you have finally made the decision to stop drinking or taking drugs, you may be wondering what the next step is. Deciding to stop abusing a particular substance is just the first stage on...
In order to overcome a drug addiction, most people will need to enter a drug detox clinic to complete a programme of detoxification before they can even think about starting a rehabilitation...
Legal highs are a growing problem for many young people around the world. Despite the fact that the UK government is set to introduce the Psychoactive Substance Ban later this month (May 201...
Addiction does not just refer to those who suffer from an obsessive desire to use substances such as alcohol or drugs. Addiction can also entangle those who feel compelled to carry out any a...
The link between new psychoactive substances, or ‘legal highs’ as they are also known, and the deaths of a number of young people in the UK has prompted calls for the Government to take ac...
When it comes to chemical mood-altering substances, most people immediately think of alcohol or illegal drugs. However, there are many strong prescription painkillers that also alter the moo...
A relapse in medical terms means the return of signs and symptoms relating to an illness that a person has apparently recovered from. In relation to drug or alcohol addiction, relapse refers...
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    02038 115 619