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Immediate Access for help and advice
24 hours rehab

Call Now for Immediate Confidential Help and Advice 02038 115 619

24 hours rehab
Immediate Access for help and advice


The young child was placed into care, which, sadly, is a common occurrence both in the US and here in the UK. Children living with addicts are often in danger, and many are deeply affected b...
Alcohol is a substance that most people can enjoy in moderation. A nice glass of wine with dinner or maybe a couple of beers at a barbeque is the most that many individuals will have over th...
Alcohol is a substance that most people can enjoy in moderation. A nice glass of wine with dinner or maybe a couple of beers at a barbeque is the most that many individuals will have over th...
For a long time, the solution when it came to treating those with heroin addiction was to place them on the methadone programme, regardless of how long they had been abusing the drug. Howeve...
There are many addictive substances, including illegal drugs and prescription medication, but one that most people forget about is alcohol. As alcohol is legal and is widely encouraged in so...
There are many addictive substances, including illegal drugs and prescription medication, but one that most people forget about is alcohol. As alcohol is legal and is widely encouraged in so...
All too often, the subject of drug and alcohol addiction revolves around stories of destruction and chaos. It is easy to forget that this is a treatable illness and one that can be overcome ...
Many people have misconceptions about drug addiction and the type of individuals affected by it. They also mistakenly believe that this illness is something that only affects big cities and ...
When it comes to beating a substance addiction, there are many options currently available. Those with an addiction to alcohol or drugs can try to quit by themselves, or they can look for su...
When it comes to beating a substance addiction, there are many options currently available. Those with an addiction to alcohol or drugs can try to quit by themselves, or they can look for su...
When it comes to drug addiction treatment, it is usual for most addicts to complete a programme of detoxification followed by drug addiction rehab at an inpatient or outpatient facility. Tre...
Those who require drug and alcohol rehab often have relationship troubles that are identified as the cause of their addiction....
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    UK Addiction Treatment Group.

    We look forward to helping you take your first step.

    02038 115 619