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24 hours rehab

Call Now for Immediate Confidential Help and Advice 02038 115 619

24 hours rehab
Immediate Access for help and advice


One of the casualties of addiction is usually relationships. If you are married, the relationship is likely to have suffered a lot of damage due to the substance abuse. In some cases, the ha...
One of the concerns for those breaking free of an addiction to alcohol or drugs is that they are going to be at risk of developing substitute addictions. The idea is that there are aspects o...
Failure to consider gender when providing substance abuse treatment can mean that the programme is unsuitable for females. Women tend to fall into addiction for different reasons to men, and...
It is nice to be nice, but if you are too focused on pleasing others then it could be holding you back in your recovery from addiction. It is also likely to mean that you are preventing your...
Going to rehab may be the best way for you to offer yourself and your children a better future. Taking this step is likely to involve at least some sacrifice, but it will be worth it if it l...
Lack of sleep can be a horrible thing to have to deal with. It can mean days of feeling tired and unable to concentrate and nights of tossing and turning. Sleeping pills can offer a way to e...
By entering an inpatient treatment programme, your loved one will be making a serious effort to turn his or her life around. During their stay in rehab, this person will have picked up some ...
The category of stimulant drugs covers a wide range of substances, from caffeine to methamphetamine. The illegal stimulants tend to cause the most concern, although in recent years there is ...
Does your idea of fun after dark involve a cup of hot chocolate and listening to a play on BBC Radio 4? If this is not your idea of exciting nightlife though, you may be a bit worried about ...
You have probably already heard about the importance of being honest in rehab, but the problem is that the meaning of this is not always clear. The type of honesty required to get the most o...
You already probably know about most of the bad stuff that can happen to you if you continue to abuse alcohol or drugs. The problem is that knowing the dangers is not always enough to stop p...
A new study from National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre at the University of New South Wales has found that young people (under 17) who use cannabis regularly are 60 per cent less likely ...
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    02038 115 619