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24 hours rehab

Call Now for Immediate Confidential Help and Advice 02038 115 619

24 hours rehab
Immediate Access for help and advice


Many who give up alcohol or drugs are dealing with undiagnosed depression. These people may experience depressive symptoms but not realise that it is due to a psychiatric illness - they may ...
The British Drug Survey 2014 has just been released, and it suggests that 31 per cent of the population in the UK have used illegal drugs - this is around 15 million people. About 21 per cen...
If your recovery runs out of steam, there will be a high risk of relapse. This is why it is so important for you to rekindle your passion on a regular basis. This passion gives you the energ...
One of the recommendations you are likely to hear from others in recovery is that you should learn to 'let go' of things. In fact, letting go is one of the key points you learn from a recove...
The process of being caught up in addiction leads to distorted thinking. This can be due to the impact that alcohol or drugs has on the brain, as well as the lifestyle involved in this type ...
One of the reasons many feel resistant about entering rehab is the fear failure. Even those individuals who do enter rehab can still fail to get the most out of it because of the fear of mes...
If you are due to enter alcohol rehab, you may have a few days or weeks to wait until your admission date; it may have been a case or you being put on a waiting list. If this is the case, wh...
Most people who are caught up in addiction are going to reach a point where they realise that their behaviour is making life a misery. At this point, the will to recover can start to grow in...
Recent figures suggest that alcoholism has risen significantly in the last few years. Over 1.2 million admissions into hospital each year due to alcohol abuse are recorded in the UK. There h...
The decision to use alcohol or drugs after a period of sobriety will have a significant impact on your life. The urge to relapse can appear to come out of nowhere, which is why it is vital y...
A common symptom many experience in early recovery is insomnia. For some this only lasts for the acute-withdrawal stage, but for others it can last for months into early recovery. Those who ...
Those struggling to lose weight face similar challenges to those trying to overcome an addiction. Of course, there are important differences between the two attempts at change (for example, ...
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    02038 115 619