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24 hours rehab

Call Now for Immediate Confidential Help and Advice 02038 115 619

24 hours rehab
Immediate Access for help and advice


There is no doubt that the 12-step approach has helped many people build a good life following an addiction, but this path does not work for everyone. Those who have benefited from these mee...
Christmas is a time when you will probably be spending more time with your family than usual. It can be wonderful to have this time together, but it can also be challenging, which can especi...
So, you thought that you would give up alcohol and drugs and all the bad days would be behind you. Unfortunately, life isn't like that and nobody gets a free ride. They do say that your wors...
Christmas can be a challenging time for those who are newly sober. It can seem as if the whole world is getting drunk at this time of year, meaning you may have to deal with a lot more tempt...
There is a close connection between addiction and social anxiety. This type of social phobia means that the person feels uncomfortable in situations in which he or she needs to interact with...
In order to build a successful sobriety, you need to add the right combination of activities to your new life. Your ability to find interesting things to do with your time is essential if yo...
High functioning alcoholics are able to hide the worst effects of their drinking, which may make it feel as if they are getting away with something. This can lead to justification for contin...
Women now account for 17 per cent of drink-driving convictions in the UK, which is almost double what it was back in the late nineties. Men have traditionally been more likely to be pulled o...
Going to your first Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meeting can feel a big deal; you may have many reasons for felling reluctant to take this step. One of the biggest obstacles about using this re...
Compassion is the ability to feel sympathy for the suffering of others. The word itself comes from Latin and means 'suffer together'. Compassion could be described as a distinct type of emot...
Albert Ellis is one of the founders of cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), and he devised the ABC model to help people understand the relationship between thoughts and emotions. This is imp...
The majority of attempts to quit addiction never make it beyond the withdrawal symptoms stage. The physical discomfort and cravings that occur when the addicted person abstains from alcohol ...
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    02038 115 619