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Immediate Access for help and advice


Richard Hall, a former drug addict, has been recognised in Her Majesty's New Year Honours List. Hall struggled for more than twenty years with an addiction to heroin before finally kicking t...
The Magistrates' Association has warned that drug dealers selling cannabis outside schools are getting away with only a caution from police. These dealers are not facing court but are instea...
A reformed alcoholic who spent more than 20 years suffering from his addiction has now been told that he has terminal cancer. David Tinlin battled alcoholism for a large part of his life; af...
The girlfriend of a man who died after taking an African plant potion has spoken of her heartbreak. Brodie Smith was in Thailand with girlfriend Kara Spark to get help for a drug addiction. ...
The drug problem in Scotland has long been an issue but recent figures show that increasing numbers of babies are being born addicted to alcohol or drugs in the Tayside area. NHS Tayside rel...
A group of leading doctors and nurses have called for a ban on alcohol firms sponsoring sporting events and clubs. They are claiming that allowing alcohol firms to sponsor high profile event...
The news increasingly seems to be full of stories about people who have conned or stolen from either family members or strangers in order to fund a gambling habit. We expect the police to de...
A bit of extra Christmas cheer arrived at the Burton Addiction Centre this year, in the form of Russell Brand. The comedian was there to celebrate with clients of the addiction centre at the...
A defence solicitor told last week of his shock that his teenage client had acted in such an appalling manner and blamed an addiction to legal high ethylphenidate for the youth's rampage. Ja...
Hooper, the former singer of Karrallon, a rock band from Plymouth, has admitted to sexual assault and will now face more than five years in prison. The alcoholic singer slapped and beat the ...
In terms of addiction and the way we react to it, there are obvious differences between the sexes. This is something that rehabilitation centres have noticed and, as a result, there are now ...
Miley Cyrus has hit back at those who have hinted she is taking drugs by posting images of herself which show a much more natural side to her than that of a couple of years ago. The images s...
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