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24 hours rehab

Call Now for Immediate Confidential Help and Advice 02038 115 619

24 hours rehab
Immediate Access for help and advice


Laughter is probably one of the most underappreciated tools available to those in early recovery. This physical reaction has medicinal effects, and there is a great deal of truth to the old ...
The fact that there are now so many approaches to addiction recovery can be a good thing because it means there is more likely to be something that will work for you. No one treatment works ...
People caught up in addiction have an impressive ability to find justifications for their behaviour. One of the most common sources such individuals use when attributing blame for their cond...
People who break free of addiction usually talk about how they hit their rock bottom. This refers to a point in their addiction progression at which they were prepared to go no further. It i...
There is a great deal of free information about alcoholism available on the web these days, but it can still be well worth reading some books on the topic. This type of content can be a part...
Substance abuse often occurs because a person has experienced some type of psychological trauma. The individual is trying to soothe his or her inner pain, but is doing so in a way that is ve...
It does take a good deal of energy to build a solid recovery, and one reason that many people relapse is they just run out of steam. It is common for individuals to have low energy levels in...
The recent seizure by police of £200,000 worth of the drug Sunifiram is seen as evidence of the rapid increase in the use of smart drugs (nootropics). Sunifiram is a type of drug known as a...
Many people in recovery from addiction will end up dealing with problems related to diet. Those who have just become clean or sober will often have nutritional deficiencies; it is all too co...
One of the things you will likely have to deal in sobriety is drinking memories. These thoughts can involve a romanticised image of drinking, which can then trigger feelings of nostalgia for...
If you have been abusing certain drugs such as cocaine, you may experience life as very grey and flat once you become sober - this is referred to as anhedonia. In the majority of cases, this...
One of the effects of years battling with addiction is that it can leave people feeling full of self-loathing. This can include thoughts such as "I'm not good", "I always fail at everything,...
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    02038 115 619