Alcohol & Drug Rehab in Hackney, London

Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Hackney

If you have noticed that you can no longer go a day without consuming drugs or alcohol, we advise that you reach out for support. Dependence on drugs or alcohol can devastate the lives of you and those closest to you, so it is important to seek help whenever you feel a lack of control. There are many rehab centres in Hackney specialising in addiction treatment. Drug and alcohol rehab in Hackney offers many treatment methods to help you find a treatment most suited to you. You can find out more about drug rehab and alcohol rehab in this guide.

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Primrose Lodge is a comfortable, fully equipped detox and rehab facility. C…

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  • Holistic Treatment
  • Onsite gym
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Featured Rehabs

Sanctuary Lodge is a state-of-the-art detoxification and rehab facility. Lo…

Liberty House Clinic is a fully furbished detox and rehabilitation facility…

Banbury Lodge is a leading CQC approved detox, rehab and therapy clinic for…

Free Services
  • St John of Jerusalem Church,
    Lauriston Rd.
    E9 7DH
    0 review
    • 12 Step
    • Group Setting
    • Free
    • Outpatient
  • Mental Health Unit,
    Board Room 1st Flr,
    East Wing Entrance
    E9 6SR
    0 review
    • 12 Step
    • Group Setting
    • Free
    • Outpatient
  • Lifeline Project
    110 Mare Street
    E9 7QL
    0 review
    • 12 Step
    • Group Setting
    • Free
    • Outpatient
  • Hackney ARK
    Downs Park Road
    Greater London
    E8 2FP
    0 review
    • Under 18’s
    • Group Setting
    • Free
    • Outpatient
  • 28b King Henry’s Walk
    Greater London
    N1 4PB
    0 review
    • Under 18’s
    • Group Setting
    • Free
    • Outpatient
  • 110 Mare Street
    Greater London
    E8 3SG
    0 review
    • Under 18’s
    • Group Setting
    • Free
    • Outpatient
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Types of addiction treatment and rehab programme in Hackney

Addiction treatment is usually offered to clients with a choice of two formats. Inpatient treatment in Hackney provides treatment in a residential treatment centre over a number of weeks. Alternate to this is inpatient treatment in Hackney. This requires several visits to a treatment centre to receive the addiction treatment within scheduled appointments.

Outpatient addiction treatment (day rehab)

This treatment method is also referred to as day rehab because you visit the treatment centre for a number of planned treatment sessions. It requires you to complete your treatment for drug and alcohol addiction whilst you continue to live at home, which may not work for everybody. People often choose this addiction treatment if they have responsibilities that they cannot leave (such as childcare). Outpatient treatment is a service available for free, but it can also be accessed privately. Although it can be challenging, this treatment method will provide you with professional and peer support to overcome any obstacles.

Inpatient addiction treatment (residential rehab)

Inpatient treatment offers a more intensive treatment programme because it requires you to live in the treatment centre for the duration of your programme. There are many rehab centres in Hackney and the surrounding area that provide this service, including our very own UK Rehab centres.
Often referred to as residential rehab, this type of treatment can be accessed through private funding and has much faster admission routes. Addiction treatment centres offering inpatient treatment can provide you with the space to be free from your lifestyle triggers that often contribute to your addiction. This can make it easier to focus on your treatment for a greater chance of successful recovery. Staff at the treatment centre will be available to help you settle in, and you will have access to all of the amenities to help you have a comfortable stay. There is also the benefit of meeting other clients in rehab to gain peer support.

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Why inpatient rehab?


All health and social care providers are regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). This includes all inpatient treatment and outpatient treatment services. When researching your preferred rehab clinic, you can check how they have been rated by the CQC. The CQC inspect and monitor clinics periodically and provide ratings according to their level of service and quality of care. If you are concerned about living in a rehab facility, you can use its CQC ratings to select the best centre, rather than attending the first available option through the NHS.

Mixture of therapies

Inpatient rehab offers a variety of therapies in its treatment programmes. This is different to outpatient treatment on the NHS that mainly focuses on group therapy. Having increased treatment options provides a holistic treatment programme to target all areas of addiction. As well as peer support, inpatient rehab includes one-to-one therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), family support programmes and conjoints. Clients often find that a therapy that they had not previously considered works really well for them. One-to-one therapy focuses on personal dilemmas, whereas group therapy aims to improve confidence and teach coping mechanisms. You can make positive relationships with other clients during the therapy sessions, which can be extremely beneficial as they may be facing similar challenges to you.

Family support programmes

We find that involving your family and loved ones in your treatment programme is a key to long-term recovery. That is why UK Rehab offers family support programmes in our treatment programmes. Family support programmes acknowledge that addiction affects the lives of those around you too, and provides families with information and resources to help them understand addiction better and how to support you in your recovery.


Conjoint are also focused on family and loved ones but offer a more personalised route of support to help build relationships that have been damaged by your addiction. They are face-to-face meetings that are held within the rehab clinic between yourself and your family and provide a safe space to discuss any concerns. The staff at the rehab centre can support you in these meetings by acting as a mediator to help everyone talk openly and honestly.

What should I expect from a detox in Hackney?

In an inpatient setting, you will first complete a detox. Detox is the process of abstaining from drugs and alcohol until the harmful substances are no longer present in your body. This must be completed first so that you can fully engage with the remainder of the treatment programme.

Medical detox

Medical detox includes taking detox medication prescribed by a doctor during your abstinence. You may require a medical detox depending on your level of addiction and the type of substance that you have been taking. It can be dangerous to stop taking drugs or alcohol completely with professional support, so a medical detox helps to wean you off the substances safely. It will also help to manage the withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms may range from shaking, nausea, diarrhoea and confusion. Many clients worry about completing a detox because of these symptoms, but staff will be on-hand to help you through any difficulties and monitor your progress.
If you are in urgent need of a drug detox or alcohol detox, you can call the number at the top of our page, where you can arrange treatment within 24-hours, or ask advice from our knowledgeable staff.

Drug and alcohol rehab programme

Different rehab centres may use different recovery approaches. At UK Rehab, we use a 12-step programme, which has a focus on abstinence and life transformation to support long-term recovery. Although there is a spiritual element to this treatment type, you do not need to be religious to embark on the treatment. As you are guided through the 12-steps, you will also complete Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), group therapy, one-to-one therapy, and holistic treatments, such as yoga and mindfulness. Other treatment providers may offer non-12-step-programmes, but they will often only focus on the cause of the addiction.

Is rehab free?

You can access outpatient rehab for free by completing a self-referral directly with the NHS. However, their detox programmes may be limited as inpatient treatment is rarely available for free. Turning Point, a substance misuse charity, offers a small number of inpatient beds that can be accessed through a GP referral, but these are in high demand. There are long waiting lists for free services, especially inpatient treatment, which could potentially cause your addiction to worsen before help is available. This is due to the NHS working with reduced funding despite the increase in the need for free addiction treatment services.

Free addiction treatment services in Hackney

As well as NHS access, there are free addiction treatment services available in the Hackney community that can be accessed through a self-referral. One example is an Alcoholics Anonymous group.

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The downside to free services

The main form of free addiction treatment is outpatient treatment, which may not offer as much choice over your treatment programme and clinic setting. Whilst it is the more accessible treatment option due to it being free of charge, with the ability to complete treatment at home, it is often a more generic service offering. This is because the group work must cater for all ages and addiction levels, so this may not necessarily resonate with you. The detox offering may also be limited due to it being an outpatient service, as a medical detox is unlikely to be provided.

The benefits of residential rehab in Hackney

  • Access to medical detox
  • Upon self-referral, the admission can be as quick as 24 hours, allowing you to receive support at the time you need it
  • Staff are specially trained in addiction treatment
  • Free of daily distractions that could interrupt your treatment progress
  • Relationship-building with peers also embarking on their treatment
  • Family support programme to provide advice and guidance to your loved ones
  • Conjoint meetings to help repair significant relationships
  • One-to-one therapy to focus on personal issues that may have contributed to your addiction
  • Flexibility in your choice of rehab centre.
  • Access to aftercare support

What happens after a rehab programme?

After completing a residential rehab programme with UK Rehab, you may still have some treatment steps left to complete on your 12-step programme. However, this is common, and you will be provided with all of the tools to continue your recovery journey at home. This includes access to free aftercare for up to one year.

After programmes

Aftercare programmes provide ongoing support to clients who have successfully completed inpatient treatment. It helps clients to continue with recovery at home and receive support from peers and professionals in times of difficulty. You will receive information and advice from professionals, group therapy, as well as join an Alumni Network.

Support groups

Support groups are an excellent way to receive additional peer support from people who are also recovering from an addiction. We advise clients to use these in conjunction with aftercare. Some popular groups in the Hackney area include Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA), Cocaine Anonymous (CA), and SMART Recovery.

Long-term recovery from addiction

As you transition to your new lifestyle, it is likely that you may face some challenges. However, by using the support available, you can continue on your recovery journey. Recovery from addiction can be a long process for many, so do not be disheartened if you stumble upon the way.

How do I tell my family I’m going to rehab?

We understand that many of our clients feel nervous about telling their family and friends that they are going to rehab. However, we find that often the internal worrying is worse than having the actual conversation. Admitting that you need help with addiction is courageous, and your loved ones will be proud that you are taking steps to regain control of your life. With inpatient treatment, you can even involve your family in your treatment programme through family support programmes or conjoint meetings. These will further assist their understanding of addiction so they can support you as much as possible.

How do I get a loved one into rehab?

If you are reading this and know somebody that could benefit from drug or alcohol rehab, you should talk to them about your concerns. You cannot force someone to go to rehab, or sign-up on their behalf, so having an honest discussion can encourage them to seek help for their addiction.
